Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are common today as mass farming depletes the soil of key nutrients. Studies has shown that an apple today contains half the amount of vitamins and minerals of apples grown 100 years ago. On top of this, as a society we are on more pharmaceuticals than ever before. Drugs, in addition to lifestyle factors, can cause significant nutrient deficiencies leading to a number of different health issues.
SUGARS (including refined carbohydrates) deplete B-vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and chromium.
STRESS depletes B-vitamins, zinc, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, and affects several pathways.
COFFEE depletes thiamin, magnesium, decreases the absorption of iron, and pulls calcium from the bones.
ALCOHOL depletes thiamin, folate, B12 and magnesium.
Calcium, B12, all nutrients, due to decreased stomach acid necessary for digestion
ANTI-ANXIETY MEDS: Biotin, folate, vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium, melatonin
ANTIBIOTICS: Biotin, Inositol, Magnesium, Niacin, B6, Vitamin K
BETA BLOCKERS: Atenolol, Metolprolol, Propanolol: CoQ10, melatonin
ORAL BIRTH CONTROL: B2, B6, B12, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc
BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICATION: Zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium
CORTICOSTEROIDS: Selenium, Vitamin D, Zinc
NSAID's (Aspirin, Motrin, Aleve, Ibuprofen): Folate, iron, vitamin C
ACETOMENOPHIN (Tylenol): Glutathione
STATINS: CoQ10, Vitamin D
The National Institute of Health recently determined that B6 deficiencies were the most common vitamin deficiency in the U.S. A B6 deficiency can lead to anemia, depression, foggy thinking, PMS and hormone imbalance.
B12 is a common deficiency, as even with proper amounts in the diet, it is not always absorbed efficiently. B12 is utilized in energy metabolism and supports the function of the nervous system including brain health. A B12 deficiency often presents as fatigue, impaired metabolism and can result in a specific type of anemia.
Vitamin C
A severe deficiency can lead to scurvy, but a mild deficiency can lead to slowed healing, and inability to produce collagen. Vitamin C is a major building block of collagen and is used to help support the integrity of skin and connective tissue. The highest concentration of Vitamin C is stored in the adrenal glands, and it important in modulating stress. Chronic stress quickly depletes Vitamin C stores.
Vitamin D
Osteoporosis, cognitive impairment, hormone imbalance, fatigue, depression, hair loss, and decreased immune function.
Ubiquinol is needed for mitochondrial health and cellular regeneration. Depletion of this nutrient can promote the aging process and cause muscle weakness and pain.
The body's master antioxidant. Cellular glutathione has been a marker to determine life expectancy and is used in anti-aging medicine. Glutathione is necessary for detoxification and helps to control inflammation throughout the body. Low levels of glutathione lead to chronic inflammation, and an increased toxic load on the body, making the body more susceptible to chronic illness.
Hypothyroidism, weight gain, insomnia, fatigue, bone loss, decreased libido, and depression.
Magnesium is used to promote relaxation. A deficiency of magnesium can lead to muscle spasms and cramps, calcification of the arteries, sleep problems, hormone imbalances, constipation, anxiety and depression.
Involved in several biochemical pathways, including the production of thyroid hormone and testosterone. It is also important in cell turnover and regeneration. A zinc deficiency can present as acne.
Be sure to take quality supplements from brands you trust. Speak to your doctor about the right dose for you.